Common names:
Kingdom - Animalia
Phylum - Chordata
Class - Amphibia
Order - Anura
Family - Ranidae
Species - Pulchrana centropeninsularis
This species is found in two small regions in Malaysia and Indonesia, at 90-105m above sea level (Figure 2) [1]. Found at only 5 locations, the habitat area of this species is 350km2 and declining [1].
This species occurs in swampy primary and secondary lowland forest [1]. Little else is known about this species but breeding is assumed to take place in streams [1]. More research is needed on this species as only two specimens have been found [1]. They are likely to be sexually dimorphic, like others in the genus, with males being larger [2]. One of the populations occurs in Lakum Forest Reserve and Krau Wildlife Reserve, a protected area in Malaysia [1].
Threats to the species:
Urbanisation and development [1].
Wetland drainage [1].
Agriculture - palm oil [1].
Similar species:
[1] IUCN Red List. (2018). Pulchrana centropeninsularis. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 5 May 2019].
[2] Onn, C. K. and Ahmad, N. (2009) ‘Distribution and natural history notes on some poorly known frogs and snakes from Peninsular Malaysia’, Herpetological Review, 40(3), pp. 294–301.
Photo: IUCN Red List. (2018). Pulchrana centropeninsularis. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 5 May 2019].