Common names:
Summers’ Poison Frog [1].
Kingdom - Animalia
Phylum - Chordata
Class - Amphibia
Order - Anura
Family - Dendrobatidae
Species - Ranitomeya summersi
Ranitomeya summersi is extant at nine locations in the San Martin region of northern Peru (Figure 2) [1]. It can be found at 180-700m above sea level over a range of 243km2 [1].
The Summers’ Poison Frog occurs in dry primary and secondary rocky pre-montane forests with an open canopy [1]. It is a daytime species residing in the forest vegetation [1]. Breeding takes place terrestrially, with 4-9 eggs being laid in leaf litter every 10-14 days [1, 2]. Males initiate mating by calling to females [2]. The adults move the tadpoles to water-filled holes in trees and plants to continue development [1]. Complete metamorphosis occurs within 100 days [3]. When conditions allow, females may lay multiple clutches in a year [1]. This species is one the larger 'thumbnail' species, with females growing up to 2.5cm in length [2]. These Poison frogs are not tolerant of habitat disturbance [1]. This frog was designated as its own species in 2008 [3, 4].
The population is severely fragmented and individuals are continually being lost to habitat destruction or hunting [1]. More than half the remaining population is in small patches and there is no movement between the patches [1]. This species listed on CITES Appendix II and is protected under Peruvian national law as well, however these appear to be ineffectual [1].
Threats to the species:
Hunting for international trade [1].
Urbanisation and development [1].
Agricultural expansion [1].
Genetic isolation [1].
Similar species:
[1] IUCN Red List. (2018). Summers’ Poison Frog, Ranitomeya summersi. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 5 May 2019].
[2] Ranitomeya. (n.d.). Ranitomeya summersi. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 5 May 2019].
[3] Understory Enterprises Inc. (n.d.). Ranitomeya summersi. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 5 May 2019].
[4] (2008). Ranitomeya summersi. [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed 5 May 2019].
Photo: (2008). Ranitomeya summersi. [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed 5 May 2019].