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Raorchestes chlorosomma - Critically Endangered

Updated: May 7, 2019

A photo of Raorchestes chlorosomma.
Figure 1: Raorchestes chlorosomma.

Common names:

  • Green Eyed Bushfrog [1].


Kingdom - Animalia

Phylum - Chordata

Class - Amphibia

Order - Anura

Family - Rhacophoridae

Species - Raorchestes chlorosomma


A map of The extant distribution of Roarchestes cholrosomma
Figure 2: The extant distribution of Roarchestes cholrosomma [1].

This species is only found in one locality, of approximately 100km2, in the Western Ghats, India (Figure 2) [1]. It is found in the Idukki district, at 1400m above sea level [1].


This species is found in a rare habitat type, called sholas, comprised of high-altitude evergreen forest found in the region [1]. Individuals have been found near secondary forest or eucalyptus plantations after heavy rains but are not thought to reside there [1]. Due to the specificity of the habitat and the lack of sightings elsewhere, the species is considered to be rare and critically endangered [1]. The habitat is declining due to threat encroachment [1]. More research is needed but it is understood they breed through via egg laying [1].

Threats to the species:

  • Urbanisation and development [1].

  • Tourism [1].

  • Agro-forestry [1].

  • Cash crop agriculture [1].


Similar species:



[1] IUCN Red List. (2011). Green Eyed Bushfrog, Raorchestes chlorosomma. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 5 May 2019].

Photo: Wilderlust. (2015). It's a frog's world part 2: Munnar. Kerala. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 5 May 2019].


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