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Mantella cowanii - Endangered

Updated: May 7, 2019

A photo of Mantella cowanii.
Figure 1: Mantella cowanii.

Common names:

  • Cowan's Mantella [1].

  • Harlequin Mantella [2].


Kingdom - Animalia

Phylum - Chordata

Class - Amphibia

Order - Anura

Family - Mantellidae

Species -    Mantella cowanii


A map of the extant distribution of Mantella cowanii
Figure 2: The extant distribution of Mantella cowanii [1].

Mantella cowanii occurs in three locations in eastern Madagascar; Antakasina, Antoetra, and Itremo (Figure 2) [1]. They are found at 1000-2000m above sea level [1]. There are substantiated reports of populations further west but more surveys are needed [1]. The area of occupancy is 253km2 [1].


This species can be found in humid, forested environments - living along forest edges, in riparian zones, in adjacent montane grassland, and along humid stone walls [1,3]. During the dry season, it resides in underground dens to help avoid dessication and fires [1]. Eggs are lain on the ground and the tadpoles develop in a nearby stream [1]. These frogs are very striking in appearance, with a distinct black body and orange blotches on the limbs (figure 1) [3,4].

This species, due to its striking appearance, has been subjected to large amounts of illegal trapping and international trade [1]. As such, it was listed under CITES Appendix II with a no export quota in 2003 [1]. All three locations are highly isolated and surrounded by a highly anthropogenic, agricultural landscape [1]. One of the locations encompasses a temporary protected area but better management is needed to ensure adequate protection [1]. One of the main conservation interventions for this species has been the concerted public education effort by NGOs and Government agencies, as well as capacity building for conservation through ecotourism [3]. The habitat for this species is declining, however it is unknown if the populations for this species is declining but it's likely [1]. More research is needed into their life history and any other remaining populations [1]. 

Threats to the species:

  • Hunting and illegal trade [1].

  • Deforestation [1].

  • Subsistence agriculture [1].

  • Fire [1].

  • Wetland drainage [1].

  • Urbanisation [1].


Similar species:



[1] IUCN Red List. (2014). Cowan's Mantella, Mantella cowanii. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 5 May 2019].

[2] CalPhotos. (2008). Mantella cowanii. [ONLINE] available at: [Accessed 5 May 2019].

[3] Amphibian Survival Alliance and IUCN SSC Amphibian Specialist Group (2015) ‘REGIONAL EDITION: ASIA, RUSSIA AND OCEANIA’, FrogLog, 23(116).

[4] Daly, J. W. et al. (1996) ‘Madagascan posion frogs (Mantella) and their skin alkaloids’, American Museum Novitates, (3177), pp. 1–34.

Photo: CalPhotos. (2008). Mantella cowanii. [ONLINE] available at: [Accessed 5 May 2019].


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